Pre-Registration Period (August 2024 to January 31, 2025) — For Units that register during this period a $200 deposit and an estimate of Youth & Adult attendance is required. This $200 deposit is put toward your final camp balance.
Registration Period (February 3 to May 31) — For Units that register during this period, Units will need to pay a minimum of $200 deposit, and will need to specify the number of participants (youth & adult) needed for summer camp.
Any unit may make a registration for any available session of Scouts BSA Resident Summer Camp. No fee per participant reserved will be due at that time, but the Unit is now financially responsible for the number of participants requested.
Individual names do not have to be specified at this time but can be if the Unit chooses to do so.
Units may add new participants (if space is available) or reduce the number of existing participants (subject to the LEC Payment & Refund Policy) until the end of the Registration Period (April 30). Reducing your number of participants needs to be done by an LEC employee. Please call us at (216) 458-8911. Units may make changes to existing participants until midnight on the Friday before their arrival at camp.
Estimate Confirmation (September 1 to January 31, 2025) — Units that made their reservation during the Pre-Registration period are required to confirm their estimated numbers (based on camp availability) and the Unit will be financially responsible for each confirmed participant. Do not confirm a participant unless you have a committed camper – Webelos Crossovers and newly joined Scouts can be registered at a later date.
Camper Deposit Period - February 3, 2025
For all Scouts attending, you will need to submit a $100 deposit for them by February 10, 2025.
1st Payment Due — March 5, 2025
For existing reservations, the 1st participant payment (after the deposit) is now due of $200 per dining hall Scout and $150 per patrol cooking Scout for each participant reserved at this time. The camp fee due for new reservations at this time will be equal to $300 per dining hall Scout and $250 per patrol cooking Scout.
Merit Badge Registration Opens & Participant Information Required — 8:00 am
April 14, 2025, Week One
April 15, 2025, Week Two
April 16, 2025, Week Three
April 17, 2025, Week Four
April 18, 2025, Week Five
Early Bird Payment Due — April 22, 2025
Full payment for all camp fees is now due.
Early Bird pricing will not be applied to payments made after April 22, 2025
Apparel Pre-Order Ends — May 16, 2025
Any apparel pre-orders must be completed by 11:59 pm on May 16. Add the correct t-shirt size to each participant’s registration to get a discounted rate and to guarantee availability of correct sizing for your Unit.
Additional t-shirts will be available for sale at the in-camp price, and sizing is not guaranteed.
Registration Closes — May 31, 2025
Online registration closes for new units. You will need to contact the council office to add a new unit after this date. You can continue to edit existing attendees by logging into your registration.
Late Fee Applied — Two weeks before arrival to summer camp
If a camper is not paid in full two weeks before they arrive at camp, an automatic late fee will be applied to their registration. Please stay on top of payments to avoid any late fees!
Having balances paid early helps to lock in attendance numbers for camp so that we can accurately order the food and program supplies that we need order well ahead of your week.
Any changes to the number of participants after May 31 will need to be administered by Anthony Dworning, Camp Director. Call Anthony (216) 331-4608 prior to your arrival at camp to make last-minute changes. Units may make changes to their participant roster until midnight on Friday before their arrival at camp.
Questions? contact, Anthony Dworning, Camp Director, or Heather McMillan, LEC Experiences Administrator.